Where are you located?

Lucent is located at 5306 Ballard Ave NW, Suite 226 Seattle, WA 98107. Lucent is currently located in a studio space within the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, WA. We are inside of the Valhalla building on the second floor in suite 226. There are 3 entrances to the building located on Ballard Ave. The front door of the building remains open until 6pm Monday through Friday and is located between Anchored Ship Coffee Bar and Couch. If you have an appointment on the weekend, or if the door is locked, please buzz Lucent-Stacie 988 on the call box located by the entrance of the building, next to the Couch store and she will buzz you in.

Where is the best place to park?

There is ample paid and some unpaid street parking available nearby. There are paid parking lots within a few blocks of our location as well. The Ballard Landmark public parking garage is located on Leary Way between NW Vernon and 22nd Ave NW. There is a pedestrian exit onto Ballard Ave from the garage. Additional street and paid parking lots can be located on Shilshole Ave and Vernon. Unfortunately, at this time we do not offer validation for parking.

What is your cancellation policy?

We ask that if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment to please let us know 48 hours in advance. Any cancellations or rescheduled appointments under the 48 hour window may be subject to a full charge of the missed or cancelled appointment. We appreciate your understanding in regards to this policy.